Friends speak of an incident when
- Arvind had been selected to represent his school in a debate, but got high fever the night before the competition
- No one expected him to turn up the next day
- But he reached the venue riding pillion on his father’s scooter wrapped in blankets, determined to not let the school down
When his younger sister Ranjana took ill the night before a Class VIII exam, unable to study, he stayed up all night reading textbooks to her so she could revise without having to concentrate too hard. Ranjana is a doctor now.
Pradip Gupta, who runs the canteen at Nehru Hall, recalls that the time AK became mess secretary
“One thing I noticed was that he never had a free meal, which he could have had as in-charge of the mess. He was always very honest”
Another batch-mate, George Lobo, who now lives in the US says
While the rest of them were busy planning careers overseas, Kejriwal would always talk about doing something that would change India
“He(AK) was a bright student with a world of opportunities in front of him. How many of us dedicate our lives to the nation when we have a lucrative career in front of us?”
“I’m making good money here in the US and Arvind was ten times smarter than me.”
His early influences were V.P. Singh, whose honesty in the Bofors scam as defence minister and whose efforts for social justice by implementing reservation on the basis of the Mandal Commission report as prime minister, inspired a young Kejriwal.
Kejriwal explains[7]
“Kolkata is very close to Jamshedpur. I’d heard of Mother Teresa, so I thought I’d go meet her. There was a long queue. When my number came, Mother Teresa kissed my hand and I expressed my wish to work with her. It was a divine moment for me. She asked me to go and work at her Kalighat Ashram. I was there for two months,”
“I used to clean their wounds, which were often almost gangrenous, and give them a bath.”
In 2016, Arvind Kejriwal was extended invitation from the Papacy for the canonisation ceremony and he attended in Vatican city[8]
He joined the Indian Revenue Service (IRS) as an Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax in 1995, after qualifying UPSC Civil Services.[9]
“We admired each other. She’s a very shy person, a very decent person. One day, I just knocked on her door and asked her: ‘Will you marry me?’ And that was it,” Kejriwal was quoted
On his first day working in the Indian Revenue Service, Arvind Kejriwal had a heart-to-heart talk with his boss. “In the first few years of your service, you should make sufficient money for yourself so that you can appear to be honest for the rest of your life,” the young Kejriwal was advised. Slowly and gradually, it started dawning on him that almost everyone was corrupt.
In 1998, he and his boss conducted a IT raid on the offices of a multinational and found evidence of extensive tax evasion. A huge penalty was imposed on the company.
“They did not even appeal our verdict. The CEO, a foreigner, threatened us. He said ‘we control your Government, we can get anyone transferred.” recalls Kejriwal and his boss was transferred in a week.
Kejriwal would leave IRS three years later to focus on his NGO Parivartan.[11] His close friends from college days helped him raise loans to reimburse the government when he took his voluntary retirement from the civil services.[12]
After quitting the revenue service, Kejriwal started an NGO, Parivartan, with donation money
For more detailed article by the author:
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